Whole Business.
Whole Person.

You only get one life. How you design it is up to you.
You want – and need – time for family, for personal relationships, for community involvement, as well as for hobbies and other interests. They help you refuel your soul and are important parts of what makes life worth living.
You also need – and want – to work. Build a business, lead a team and develop a career. Work feeds your need to contribute to something bigger and it can provide an important sense of purpose.
However, your need for work and your need for life outside of work often feel in conflict. And because these two areas often seem to compete for your time and energy, you feel stressed out and less than competent on both fronts.
You strive to find joy, only to discover you are burning at both ends and that everything you’ve accomplished in life has ended you up right here – stuck.
The pursuit of balance keeps you bouncing between categories of life and the achievement of success in one seems to always rob the other.

Within each of us is the power to overcome any obstacle and achieve freedom. Freedom to live outside the status quo and design a life and business on our own terms and desires. The real challenge is defining where you want to go, what’s in the way, and finding the courage to take it on with a guide to help navigate the journey.

An Integrated Life
Integration eliminates the competition that so many of us have about our professional and personal lives.
Integration works to bring work, family, health and community closer together to create a whole life. It is about finding your center in what matters to you to create the life you desire to live.
Professionals practicing integration care less about what’s “work time” and what’s “personal time” and focus instead on what is the best time to do these things.
Integration sees every activity in your day as a part of a whole, and is less focused on compartmentalizing or trying to balance which find us giving something up to take something else on.
Working to integrate the categories of life generate fusion, creating freedom, joy and fulfillment both personally and professionally.
"As my fascination with integration grew, my heart’s desire to bring others, whether individuals, or businesses, into their greatest potential, eliminating blocks, and strategically facilitating new dimensions of success continued to grow." - Mel Towey

UNSUBSCRIBE: Design Success On Your Terms
Mel believes that we need more people willing to go into the unknown, the uncomfortable, and live in their own authentic truth, not society’s. We live in a world today that feels like a microscope. Judgment at every turn and the belief that if you dare not to conform to social norms it means you have failed or are not enough.
The white picket fence dream… We all subscribe to that and then as move through it, the layers of whom we are become numb, stuck, and confused. We check all of the boxes and when we don’t feel the happiness, we were promised we are left feeling disappointed.
So, what do we all do next? We set higher goals, buy nicer things, bigger houses, fight for bigger paychecks until the cycle forces you here; reading this, asking yourself how did I get here?
Mel started UNSUBSCRIBE in Denver as a way to connect executives, entrepreneurs, and high achieving women who on paper look great by society’s standards of success. Yet behind the scenes are struggling to find joy, freedom, and fulfillment at a deeper level. This networking happy hour group empowers ambitious women to design a life of success on their terms, in a world always wanting it on theirs. These professionals are looking for a to connect with other like-minded women with whom they can relate on a deeper level – a place they can show up and be supported and met exactly where they are at - for who they are!
Join the UNSUBSCRIBE community as we support other professionals showing up in who they were truly created to be!

Mel's Credo
In 2009, Mel sat down and wrote a credo for her life. The values she wanted to live by and the words she believed in wholeheartedly. In 2020, Mel stumbled across the piece of paper tucked away in a drawer and put it here unchanged. While she has not always stayed on a straight path while finding her way, what has been at the core has remained unchanged. Like a magnet, Mel believes that your core values will always pull you back into the truth of who you are and keep you chasing the purpose and desires you believe in.
I believe that peace cannot be found until it is found within you yourself. Outer peace is created from the inner peace you hold within; in your beliefs, and in your happiness. Be honest with yourself if you expect to be honest with everyone else. I believe that a person should never settle for less than what they know they deserve in a relationship. I also believe that you should never expect to give less in a relationship than someone else deserves. I believe that trust isn’t something that can be partial. Trust is there or it’s not. I believe in asking for what you want and need from others, speaking your truth and expressing yourself, even though it might create conflict or tension at times. Make choices based on what you believe, and not for what others believe. I believe that you can learn a lot from yourself and that you need to trust your gut. If something feels right carry on, if it feels wrong look for the nearest exit. Remember doing anything for the wrong reasons might pay off short term but will hurt you in the long run. I believe that everything happens for a reason, even if at times it’s hard to understand. Faith is simply trusting the unknown, it is what enables us to believe that even in the midst of the storm that all will be okay. I have learned to believe that some of the greatest moments in life come from the events least expected, from the people we underestimate and from the opportunities we thought were not worth taking. Take chances and risks, seize opportunity. The world is full of possibilities, choices, new ideas and plenty of unanswered questions. I believe that there is never only one right answer. The people who tell you otherwise are the people that have given up before they look further than they feel expected of them. Always give more than you take. Do good for others without expecting anything in return. Live in the now instead of in the past. Never regret. Learn now that luck does not exist. Sometimes you are ahead and sometimes you are behind. Each of us creates our own destiny by our choices. I believe that life is what you make it and breathing and living are two different things. So get to know yourself and who you are. Live your life for yourself and the people you love. Cherish your gifts that you have been blessed with and use your talents, because while you are busy off making plans, life is busy making plans of its own and the one thing that will always see you through is the love and belief you hold within yourself.
Melanie Anne

"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he’s always doing both."
James Michener